Thursday, June 2, 2022

Only 2 Days To Garage Sale And The Weather Looks Awesome!!!

Check out the weather forecast for Saturday! It looks like the weather will be ideal! That is all very exciting!

SAFETY FIRST - Just a little reminder to be safe during your garage sale and take care of yourselves and your helpers. Here are a few guidelines given to me by the local police station;

  1. Lock all doors as people get distracted easily
  2. Purse and valuables should not be in plain view.
  3. Carry a fanny pack or something to keep your money in
  4. Put excess cash in the house
  5. Lots of helpers
  6. Don't accept large bills due to counterfeiting
  7. Higher priced items closer to the house, not at the edge of the sidewalk
  8. Make eye contact with your shoppers. They will be less likely to steal
  9. Keep the buyer's bill out until you make change and then put the bill away
  10. Do not allow strangers in the house
One more thing...check out our interactive Google map for the people who registered their sale. It is very cool.

Golden Triangle Garage Sale Interactive Map

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