Friday, May 31, 2024


     This is it!! Garage Sale is tomorrow and all the stars are aligned!      

Here are some things that participants are saying about Garage Sale...

"It's an annual event for our family and we love continuing the traditions."

"My boys still have the comic books we got 15 years ago. Great find each year!!"

"Truly, there is a special moment every year."

"This is our first time, we just moved into the neighborhood in the fall - looking forward to it!"

                       The weather is with us 100%!!!

Everything is cleaned, shined, organized and ready to go!!!

 See everyone tomorrow!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024


             The weather is still holding!! Yippee!!!🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞                  

There are some households doing some pretty exciting things on Saturday!!! Please see below to see where you should stop on your garage sale travels on Saturday...

           Name         Address                          Activity

           Michelle           521 & 523 Donlands Ave.        Arts & Crafts, featuring wire wrapped                                                                                                crystals & polished stones  

              Maryanne        66 Warland Ave.                         Paintings, new bar fridge, lawn                                                                                                             mower, krafts, baking, travel stuff     

              Ron                    56 Chilton Rd.                             Vinyl records, CD's & other thngs

              Swati                 25 Rivercourt Blvd.                     Lemonade & Chai Stand (2nd year)

              Joanna              143 O'Connor Dr.                        Freshly baked bread, rolls, & cheese                                                                                                   danish        

              Eric                    21 Stanhope Ave.                       Golf balls   

              Yasmin              31 & 33 Pepler Ave.                   Bake sale, including smoked salmon                                                                                                     scones, BBQ hot dogs and burgers 

             Cheryl                46 Pepler Ave.                            Large Ikea book shelf, planters

             Jen                     494 Donlands Ave.                     Cup Cakes

             The Legion        1083 Pape Ave.                          Bake Sale, garage sale, BBQ peameal                                                                                                  sammys in the am and dogs & burgers                                                                                                in the aft

            Paul Foots          15 O'Connor Dr.                         Lemonade Stand

            Kelly                    59 Hopedale Ave.                      Plants (cherry tomato, strawberry,                                                                                                      cucumber, monstera, etc.)

            Glenna               26 Rivercourt Blvd.                    Estate sale items - antique furniture

            Courtney           172 O'Connor Dr.                       Water bottles

 One of the things that is important on garage sale day is safety!   Below are some safety recommendations from 55 Division.

1.            Lock all doors as people get distracted easily.

2.            Purse and valuables should not be in plain view.

3.            Carry a fanny pack or something similar to carry your money.

4.            Do not accumulate large amounts of cash. Put excess cash in the house.

5.            Make sure you have enough people to assist you on the day of the sale.

6.            Greet people and make eye contact with them as they approach your sale. That                            makes them less likely to steal from you.

7.            Higher priced items should be closer to the house, not at the sidewalk.

8.            Don't accept large bills due to counterfeiting.

9.            Keep the buyer's bill out until you give them their change and then put the bill                              away. That way they can't say they gave you a 20 instead of a 10.

10.          Do not allow any strangers in the house for any reason.

11.          Put your garage sale package terms of sale notice up that says "cash only", "no                             returns" and "final sale"

    That is it for today Folks!!    

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

3 MORE SLEEPS!! (We decided to skip 4 more sleeps)

Weather is still looking great for Saturday! In fact, the entire weekend looks like a winner weather wise and that is really exciting!!!

Every year, some households donate their garage sale proceeds to charity. Thank you to everyone who is going to do that in 2024!!! Below is a list of the addresses and donation recipients this year. Please support their garage sale and help to donate to thier cause.

Name                      Address                                 Donating to

The Legion             1083 Pape Ave.                    The Legion, Branch #10

Jen                           494 Donlands Ave.              In Part to William Burgess Parent Council

Glenna                    26 Rivercourt Blvd.             St. Peter & St. Simon's Church

Karen & Joe           23 Warland Ave.                  Bethany Church Food Bank

Mari-Lou                36 Warland Ave.                  Our Lady of Fatima Church

Margaret                142 Hopedale Ave.             The Farley Foundation

Yasmin & Team     31 & 33 Pepler Ave.             Wellspring Cancer Support

Lynn & Team          65 Pepler Ave.                      The Salvation Army

There is a woman by the name of Yasmin and she lives at 31 Pepler Avenue. She is a baker and I mean...a baker. Every year, she puts on an amazing bake sale and BBQ with her entire family by her side every step of the way! Last year she raised over $1,000 for the Wellspring Cancer Support Centre. ****This year, she is introducing smoked salmon scones to her bake table**** Get there early so that you don't miss out! 

You can order ahead of time if you would like. Email


  Stay tuned for tomorrow!!!Stay

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


The Golden Triangle GIANT Garage Sale made it onto BlogTO!!!

Yes folks, that is correct! BlogTO thought that our community sale was newsworthy and posted this Saturday's event. Thank you @blogto!! (If I could have figured out how to put a link in the picture I would have done so...)                         



Every year there are great stories that come out of the garage sale day. Jen from Donlands shared this story from garage sale 2023...

"A gentleman stopped by on his way to work last year and asked me to hold a few items for his daughter. He was a painter and his work truck was full and messy with all his painting supplies. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch during the day and he came back in the evening to pickup his items. We’ve communicated since and I have happily passed along items that my daughter has outgrown. He is a very nice person whom I otherwise would have likely never gotten the chance to meet."       

   What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing Jen!

Updated Weather Report...Let's Try The Weather Network Today!

Not as good as yesterday but if this forecast is accurate, we are going to have an awesome day!!!

That is it for today folks! Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Monday, May 27, 2024


                                           GARAGE SALE DAY WEATHER!!!

This is always the most important aspect of putting on a successful garage sale no matter where it is. If the weather cooperates, then  the day is usually a resounding success.

Fortunately for us, things are looking pretty good for this Saturday. Check out the forecast...


"Please bring your own shopping bags or backpacks  to carry your purchases since most of us no longer have plastic bags to give out and you know how cumbersome it can be to walk around for hours juggling what you may buy."

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Golden Triangle GIANT Garage Sale is Back!!!


The 25th Annual Golden Triangle GIANT Garage Sale is Coming Up!

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

      This is our group shot from last year. What a happy bunch!!