Tuesday, May 28, 2024


The Golden Triangle GIANT Garage Sale made it onto BlogTO!!!

Yes folks, that is correct! BlogTO thought that our community sale was newsworthy and posted this Saturday's event. Thank you @blogto!! (If I could have figured out how to put a link in the picture I would have done so...)                         



Every year there are great stories that come out of the garage sale day. Jen from Donlands shared this story from garage sale 2023...

"A gentleman stopped by on his way to work last year and asked me to hold a few items for his daughter. He was a painter and his work truck was full and messy with all his painting supplies. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch during the day and he came back in the evening to pickup his items. We’ve communicated since and I have happily passed along items that my daughter has outgrown. He is a very nice person whom I otherwise would have likely never gotten the chance to meet."       

   What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing Jen!

Updated Weather Report...Let's Try The Weather Network Today!

Not as good as yesterday but if this forecast is accurate, we are going to have an awesome day!!!

That is it for today folks! Let's see what tomorrow brings!

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